What is it about the Philippines that despite the numerous growing pains it had to undergo in its transformation from a Spanish colony to a democratic Republic; makes it a special nation that is consecrated to the Blessed Mother?
As records indicate, from the very first Philippine Easter Mass celebrated by Fray
Pedro de Valderrama as ordered by Ferdinand Magellan on March 31, 1521 followed with the baptism of Rajah Kolambu and Rajah Siagu until the
installation of the first Cross, it was already a pre-destination of things to come; that this consecrated
nation was destined to be the largest bastion of Christianity in the Far East.
To date the Philippines is the world’s second largest Catholic country
in terms of population, next only to Brazil. As a concrete testament of its
consecration to the Holy Infant Child Jesus (Sto. Nino); annual festivities commemorating the
traditional Feast of the Sto. Nino are held annually at Cebu City and other
nearby islands.
The Filipinos are themselves family-oriented, deeply religious,
and devoutly prayerful with a special devotion to the Blessed Mother. Despite the many hardships brought
about by economic difficulties and natural calamities, we persevere and are very much resilient, always exuding a positive outlook in life; with a happy disposition trusting
in God that everything will work out well in the end.
Is it any historical coincidence then that the Blessed Mother has
always been our Mother of Perpetual Help in times of great need as was seen in Her Maternal Intervention during the 1986 EDSA People Power Peaceful Revolution
that was witnessed by the entire world as the handiwork of our Lady of EDSA, also
known as the Blessed Mother Mary?
We Filipinos are so intimately fond of and quite demonstrative of our love for the Blessed Mother. We actively display this fondness by way of regular Wednesday Novena Masses at the
Redemptorist Church in Baclaran as a sign of Maternal Dependence and Devotion
to Our Lady of Perpetual Help.
Even at social networking sites such as Facebook, we
happily greet our Dear Blessed Mother on her September 8 Birthday as our own; by registering personal greetings and posting portraits of endearment to demonstrate our acknowledgement of a
Spiritual Mother who is faithfully relied upon to provide Divine Assistance in our hour of need.
Following these analogies, it comes as no surprise that the
Philippines is thus foretold to be the next Promised Holy Land. In her book, The
Modern Temple, which can be downloaded here, Sister Clarice Evelyn Suarez Catipay fully explains why the
Philippines is destined to be such:
The Blessed Virgin Mary said:
“The Holy Trinity has chosen this blessed land, the new Jerusalem of
the modern world. Although present conditions tend to becloud my message, what
with all the calamities happening again and again, these sufferings are but a
part of the tests that your country must undergo as the world’s Cinderella.
Cinderella is best remembered today as a fairy tale, but the truth
behind that story is that the Philippines represents Cinderella herself. Viewed
from the heavens the map of the Philippines resembles that of a woman washing
clothes, a common sight in your countryside. Orphaned, maltreated, abused and
mocked by two stepsisters (two rich countries that refuse to help her) who are
beautiful and fair of face but vile and black at heart, all she dreams of is to
make good in her work as a lavandera. If you seriously contemplate the sound of
lavandera, does the sound not also mean the flag? That is why, last week, I
gave you the spiritual significance of your national flag.
Cinderella has North Luzon as her head, with the rest of Central and
Southern Luzon including the Visayas as her body, and Mindanao as her lower extremity
with Zamboanga as her knees. With the island of Palawan as her hands, she
appears in a sitting position to be washing a piece of cloth which is a portion
of Borneo. Cinderella is not aware whether the piece of clothing she is washing
belongs to her or not, hence the current dispute with another country
(Malaysia) over possession of that part of Borneo (Sabah).”
Doesn’t it make you wonder after reading such, if the geographical
make-up of the Philippine Islands was merely by coincidence or by creation of Divine
Intervention? She further reveals:
The Virgin Mary appealed to the Filipino people:
“This is the beautiful story of your country. When physical proofs of
St. John’s revelations will take place in this world, you as a people, will
finally discover your true identity which you have been searching for but have
not found up to the present time. When the mental knowledge of man (humility),
and the fascinating discoveries of science will merge with the infinite wisdom
of God then and only then will you realize the vital role that you have to play
as a people of this blessed archipelago.
My children, I ask you to offer prayers for all those who are now
suffering, who are victims of the recent calamities which I have warned you
about. Pray that those who are still alive may continue to hope for a better
life. Pray that what they have experienced will help them to be better persons
that will make them closer and more pleasing to God Almighty. Pray that those who
have yet suffered and are to suffer will have enough strength to endure the
sufferings to be given to them, for this is for their own good.
Now that you have known who is Cinderella and have fallen in love with
her, will you continue your quest for her hand in spite of the trials and
difficulties which she has asked you to hurdle?”
As additional proof of the Blessed Mother’s consecration and love for the
Philippines, the author further reveals an in-depth explanation of the
spiritual significance of the Philippine Flag.
The Blessed Virgin Mary disclosed that:
“The Philippines will not only survive her present economic difficulties
but will emerge a greater nation from this period of trials and tribulations
because of the unique spiritual significance of your national flag which in the
future will be respected around the world.”
People of this blessed country do not realize it but your national
flag was divinely inspired. I ask that you respect and truly love it and avoid
doing anything foolish to destroy the country it represents.
The color blue in your flag is the color of Infant Jesus, and the
white is that of the Father. The three stars are the symbol of the Holy
Trinity, while the sun in the middle is the symbol of the omniscient,
omnipresent and omnipotent God.
The triangle is the symbol of perfection in the spiritual world. The color blue is the highest spiritual color. It stands for “peace and serenity.” Red stands for justice and courage, white stands for purity, pure knowledge and wisdom which comes only from God the Father.
The gold in the stars and the sun stands for the innumerable blessings,
both spiritual and material, that will come forth to this nation if only you
will learn to love one another and put an end to all these petty bickering
which will only lead you to the brink of despair.
Do you see the two sides of the white triangle and the line in the
middle which divides the red and the blue? That is the letter ‘Y’ which stands
for Yahweh. And if you trace the three sides of the triangle and follow the
same line in the middle and lower half of the edge of the flag, do you not see
a key? This is the key that will unlock all wisdom, both God’s and man’s, both
spiritual and material, that mystics and searchers all over the world will find
only in this country. And if you remove the triangle and point the flag
downwards, you will clearly see the letter ‘M’ which stands for Mary or Maria.
Is it any wonder to you then why this country has been especially
consecrated in my name and the patron saint of this nation is none other than
my Infant Son whom you lovingly call the Santo Niño?
This is the reason I am appealing to all of you not to desecrate this
sacred symbol and the blessed country it represents for truly, I say to you,
you have a special place in the bosom of God the Father.
My children, God’s love for you is within you, it is in you. Cultivate
it, develop it, for God created all things good. It is only human beings who
make things bad. Cultivate God’s love in you. The awareness that God loves you
will also help you. Be aware of your own love for Him.
How then can you reciprocate the Divine Love of God? Learn to suffer. Learn to accept the difficulties
of life. Learn to see the beauty in every suffering that He has given you.
Learn and be aware of others suffering around you. The awareness will help you
to help others in their own sufferings.
Your country will undergo more difficulties in the future for God has
a strange way of instilling discipline among his loved ones but if your people
will accept these difficulties with resignation and patience in the same manner
that I suffered quietly and without complaint as I watched my only begotten Son
suffer in the Cross, the Philippines will be one of the most blessed countries
in the whole world for you Filipinos want to believe in God and the people want
to change their lives.
But more prayers and sacrifices are still necessary for the things I
have promised, a beautiful and better country, unsurpassed in both spiritual
and material wealth.”
After having read the context of the Blessed Mother’s revelations for
the Philippines, I now begin to understand and better appreciate the historical
perspective of the development of our Christian Faith; as to why we as a deeply spiritual and faithful people have evolved
to be the only predominantly Catholic Christian nation in Asia.
Thus, our continued trials and tribulations confronting us as a nation
is not by mere coincidence but a confluence of events designed by Divine
Intervention. It is meant to be our spiritual purification as a people who despite our own limitations and weaknesses; equipped only with our human traits of patience,
resignation and resiliency, we are able to transform ourselves to be God's chosen people. And hopefully worthy enough to be considered as His inheritors of this predestined Promised Land
that is the Philippines.
We thank you Blessed Mother Virgin Mary for showering us with your
Divine Maternal Love and for consecrating us to You and to Your Holy Son, Jesus
Christ. Viva la Immaculada Concepcion! Viva Senor Sto. Nino! Praise be to God the Father Almighty! Praise be to our Lord Jesus
Christ and Praise be the Holy Trinity! Long live the Filipino People! Honor to
the Philippine Flag! Viva Las Islas Filipinas!
Edwin L. Yap
Makati City, Philippines
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